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Colleen Johnson
Senior Vice President, Marketing and Communications
CNL Financial Group
(407) 650-1223

CNL Attorney to Speak at LexisNexis CounselLink Conference
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— Deputy General Counsel Erin Gray to speak about effective communication vehicles —

(ORLANDO, Fla.) May 11, 2016 — Erin Gray, deputy general counsel of CNL Financial Group, will speak at the 2016 LexisNexis CounselLink Annual Customer Conference being held May 11-12 in Scottsdale, Arizona. The conference will provide a platform for law professionals to network with one another and discuss industry trends and best practices.

Gray will co-lead a discussion on how effective communication among corporate law departments is critical for continued success, especially as new technology and information is introduced into the industry. She will provide examples of communications strategies regarding performance, matters and budgets that can be used to improve both internal and external relations. Gray’s expertise in the industry derives from the many responsibilities she has at CNL Financial Group, including overseeing its broker-dealer regulatory team, providing legal support to CNL Securities Corp. and overseeing the firm’s private placement investment opportunities.

“Utilizing the appropriate communications vehicles is essential for a corporate law department’s success,” Gray said. “I’m looking forward to being able to share with other industry professionals what effective communication looks like so that they can strengthen their departments, both internally and externally.”

About CNL Financial Group
CNL Financial Group (CNL) is a leading private investment management firm providing global real estate and alternative investments. Since inception in 1973, CNL and/or its affiliates have formed or acquired companies with more than $33 billion in assets. CNL is headquartered in Orlando, Florida. For more information, visit

