“Build capacity, protect the downside
and opportunity will come.”

James M. Seneff, Jr.
Executive Chairman

CNL Charitable Foundation, Inc.

HomeAbout CNLCNL Charitable Foundation, Inc.
CNL Financial Group founder, Jim Seneff, has always been committed to developing a better and more flourishing community through leadership and financial support. Backed by CNL Financial Group, the CNL Charitable Foundation has been a philanthropic innovator of community transformation by supporting the work of non-profits in the Central Florida region.

The CNL Charitable Foundation awards grants to organizations that have been approved by the IRS as 501(c)(3) charities and government institutions, such as schools and libraries.
The CNL Charitable Foundation strategically focuses its resources on four areas it believes hold the greatest potential to strengthen and enrich our communities:
  • Education
  • Leadership & Entrepreneurship
  • Arts & Culture
  • Homelessness & Poverty

The CNL Charitable Foundation targets its support to specific projects or programs that increase and enhance the scope of services offered by an organization. Preference is also given to organizations that have a broad base of funders and engage CNL associates.

For more information, please fill out the form below and a representative will contact you. If you would like to apply for a grant through the CNL Charitable Foundation, click HERE to download the application. Once completed, mail the form to:

CNL Charitable Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 4920
Orlando, FL 32802-4920